Client Mode allows for the CineShooter Hardware to connect to a local WiFi network rather than directly to your control device ( Phone via CineShooter Remote App or Computer/iPad via kOS). This allows for the control device to maintain a connection to the internet and can extend the range between the control device and the CineShooter hardware.
Here are the steps to connect via Client Mode on the CineShooter Remote App
1) Make sure that you are connected to the Cineshooter via the "Cineshooter" network. (via the settings on your phone)
2) Once that's initialized, go into the wifi settings inside the CineShooter Remote App (small gear icon in the bottom right-hand corner), and turn client mode on.
3) Enter the correct SSID name for your local network
4) Enter the correct password for your local network
5) Hit "Update" on the CineShooter Remote app and wait for the Cineshooter to reset
6) Switch the wifi network your phone is connecting to the same local network that you keyed into the app's wifi settings and wait for that connection to establish
7) Go back to the app, and wait for it to initialize.
8) Once initialized you are connected to the head through Client Mode and can control the system as you would via the normal AP wifi connection.
A few things to note:
1) Make sure that the network name and password match and are correct. If they do not match or the password/name is entered incorrectly the Cineshooter will still reset, but no controls will be available.
2.) To confirm if the CineShooter Hardware is in Client Mode or standard AP connection mode you can go into the connections page on the Cineshooter, and click on "Client Mode" This should then display an IP address (Not all zeros) and the password that you had typed in.
3) If the CineShooter Hardware has rebooted in Client Mode (an IP address is shown in the connections page on the CineShooter) but you do not have control of the system via the app, force quit the app and re-open it. You should have control once the app restarts.
3.) To exit Client Mode, go into the wifi settings on the app, and turn it off and hit "Update" again. This will revert the hardware back to the AP connection wifi mode. To reconnect after exiting Client Mode you will need to re-connect your phone to the "CineShooter" network in your phone's wifi settings.