Converting to Pan
Step 1
Remove Turntable Degree Indicator from the Turntable brick using the 3/16” allen
Step 2
Remove four screws holding the turntable degree wheel using 5/32” allen wrench.
Step 3 (optional)
If your Turntable has a Turntable Mounting Bracket or Turntable Mounting Hub installed, you will need to uninstall it by removing the 4 screws shown below using the 3/16" allen.
Step 4
Replace degree wheel with square pan mounting hub as shown. Note- position of cutout relative to cutout portion of hub. Tighten securely.
Mounting to Tilt
Step 1
Position Tilt brick to Pan brick as shown. Secure bricks together as shown (tilt brick is positioned “highest”) using three ¼-20 x 1-1/2” flathead fasteners as shown using a 5/32” allen wrench. Tighten securely.
Step 2
Attach 8” control cable between pan and tilt connector ports
Axis Label Name Change (required for proper GigaPixel mode operation)
Step 1
Within kOS, change “Turntable” axis label name to “Pan” using appropriate method depending on device platform being used.